To honor Pope Francis' declaration that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time be called Sunday of the Word of God, St. Mary is inviting every parishioner to participate in a systematic Scripture plan to read the entire Bible in one year.

Here are couple of options:

  1. One is through Ascension Press with Fr. Mike Schmitz. He is providing a podcast in which you can follow along with him using Jeff Cavins' Bible in a Year program. Click here to sign up for that.
  2. The other option is a self study using the resources below:

The plan provides three Bible excerpts daily that can be read in 15 minutes so that after 365 days, every parishioner will have read the entire Bible!

For example, Day 1 invites us to read 1 John 1:1-3:10, Psalm 1, and Matthew 1:1-17. This means we start by reading the first letter of John, Chapter 1, verse 1 through Chapter 3, verse 10. Then we read the first Psalm, followed by an excerpt from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 1, verses 1 through 17. Each day offers a new set of three readings. The Scripture plan was created in 2014 and released on the Held in His Pierced Hands website. Rather than reading the Bible in order from start to finish, the three daily excerpts are taken from different parts of the Bible.

Pope Francis wrote, "the relationship between the risen Lord, the community of believers, and Sacred Scripture is essential to our identity as Christians." By giving God 15 minutes each day to read His Word, we will be living our Christian identity.

Starting January 26, 2020 every parishioner is asked to set aside 15 minutes each day to read the three short Biblical excerpts. The full schedule of readings is available below as a PDF document. You can also download a Bible Timeline in the same format (use your Zoom feature when viewing it online, as some detail is in fine print).

Schedule Availability

You can find the schedule of readings in print format for 30 days at a time, here on our website as a PDF download, below, or pick up a paper copy in the Parish Office. The first set of readings begins January 26 and the next on February 23, and each month thereafter through December 2020 a new monthly schedule will be made available. Return here each month for the current schedule.

Prayer Before Spiritual Reading

Each day, before you start, say a prayer to quiet and open your heart. One possible prayer is shown below, or you can make up your own! Join us as we work our way through Sacred Scripture and open our hearts to God's holy Word!

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created.
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit we may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation. Through Christ Our Lord.
R. Amen.

Bible in 365 Days- Monthly Readings
(Lea Toda La Biblia- Lecturas de Cada Mes)

Days 1 – 30

Days 31 – 61

Days 62 – 91 (Días 62 – 91)

Days 92 – 121 (Días 92 – 121)

Days 122 – 151 (Días 122 – 151)

Days 152 – 181 (Días 152 – 181)

Days 182 – 211 (Días 182 – 211)

Days 212 – 241

Days 272 – 301 (Días 272 – 301)

Days 302 – 331 (Días 302 – 331)

Days 332 – 365 (Días 332 – 365)

Download the Schedule of Readings for the Year

Download the Bible Timeline